Finishing up the Trip
Funny how a little thing like Time gets in the way of accomplishing things. Lack of it, too much of it, it’s all a problem. In my case, failure to take the time to provide updates on a daily basis …
Let’s be clear about one thing: I Hate Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania has never been my favorite state. My allergies flare up anytime I’m near Philadelphia, for one thing. For another, restaurants here still have smoking sections. And let’s not even get started on the fact that gas station pumps don’t …
Monday (and Tuesday, as it were)
Relaxing, that’s what Monday was. A leisurely drive along US Highways 29 and 15 from Charlottesville, VA to Frederick, MD. A stroll (albeit a short one due to the blast furnace heat) through the streets of Frederick. Lunch at Brewer’s …
Sunday, in repose
Today was “pack as much as possible of Haley’s stuff into the car” day. It started off with me showing up at her apartment at 7:45am, a Bodo’s Bagels breakfast in hand. Bodo’s is a Charlottesville institution, and one that I will …
Reading made Don Quixote a gentleman. Believing what he read made him mad. George Bernard Shaw
Saturday, a retrospective
Saturday was the “drive to Virginia” day. Since this is probably my last trip down here, I wanted to include last visits to brewpubs that I’ve found along the route. The plan for the drive down was to go through …
Really, is all this rain really necessary?
I’ve been trying to finish staining the back deck railings for a couple of weeks now. The wood needs to be dry for at least 48 hours before staining, and the product’s recommendation is that it not get wet again …
Once more into the Hudson Valley
Tomorrow afternoon is the weekly Parents’ Showcase at Ian’s computer camp, so I’ll be heading west to Poughkeepsie and Vassar College to marvel at his accomplishments. It’s a very low-key kind of thing – check out the project, look around, …
Flashback to yesterday
MG decided to ride along to take Ian to his camp, so the three of us loaded his things in the car and off we went on that dark and stormy day. No, let’s try that again – it was …
And tomorrow brings
July 3rd. Ian starts his two-week stint at iDTech Camp, and he’s attending the session at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY again this year. That’s a bit under 2 ½ hours from our house, so we’ll leave here around 3:30 …