I love this one!
xBee, at last
A very long time ago (several months, at least), I ordered two xBee modules and some ancillary parts in order to start experimenting with wireless communication. My plan was to leverage one of my two Arduino boards with the xBees …
How quickly a year goes
Ian says he’s amazed at how quickly his freshman year at college went. It reminds me of when Haley was twelve and she said to me one day, “I’ve noticed that the older I get the faster time goes by!” …
Yes, IDRS 2012 is a go!
I have my conference registration and I have most of my hotel nights booked – the only exception is the night I’m en route home, and that’s only waiting because I’m not entirely positive what my schedule is that day. …
IDRS 2012?
It’s been six years since I was last at an International Double Reed Society Conference, a multi-day event full of every kind of music imaginable (almost all wonderful!) on any number of bassoons, oboes, english horns, etc. This year’s event is …
It’s a quiet Sunday morning
The combination of no subbing job this morning (a rarity in the past months!) and issues with the dog during the night has made this a very quiet morning. Our dog is 15+ years old and is, frankly, getting senile. …
Geo, Water, Oil, Gas, Hell or China – We can get you there! Self-advertisement on a drilling company truck, spotted on I-90
More (fewer?) wisdom teeth
What a summer! Ian had all of his wisdom teeth out in July, and today is Haley’s turn. Hers are more “interesting” than his, so her recovery may be a bit longer, something she is NOT looking forward to. And …
Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. the grandpa of a friend of a friend
Rotating the cars
Every few months, the stars and planets align and it’s time to get all three vehicles in for service at the same time. It’s sort of dance-like, and here’s how it works: The ‘04 Elantra only needs an oil change …