
IDRS 2012 Day 1 (the music)

But first, a weather report.  “The worst heat wave since July, 1936,” says the National Weather Service, and I believe them!!  It was 104 again today, and by 6pm was only down to 102.  Ugh.  Fortunately, things should be somewhat …

IDRS 2012 Day -1

This was a long day on the interstates, traveling from Syracuse, NY to Springboro, OH (south of Dayton). Traffic was moderate to heavy all day, but was moving acceptably about 99% of the time so it wasn’t bad. At 3:45 …

IDRS 2012 Day -2

Day -2?  Yes, the conference doesn’t start until Saturday, but I started the trip on Thursday after work.  My goal was to leave town by 4pm, and I succeeded with 4 minutes to spare.  Traffic was medium heavy until I …

Five hours and counting

At this point, I’m about five hours away from leaving town on the first leg of this adventure.  I’m also dealing with painful back muscles due to moving a treadmill from one basement to another one last evening.  Strange – …

Tomorrow is the Day!

Tomorrow I have a normal day at work, then I head out on the first leg of my trip 🙂 I’ve decided not to take the bassoon with me this time.  In fact, I haven’t even played it since sometime …

The next conundrum

Now that I’m just over a week away from leaving for IDRS 2012, the decision I’m going to have to make is whether or not to take the bassoon with me.  Let’s look at the pros and cons of taking …

Just standing around

You’ve seen the articles, probably, about how sitting all day is horrible for you and that we all need to stand more.  There are standing desks for sale, but they’re very expensive for the most part and anyway, my company …

Weight Loss and Me

I wish I had better news for this post, but honestly, things are not going well. After an initial good start, and hitting five pounds loss right on target for my July 4th goal, I’ve popped right back up to …