
Concert, Shmonzert!

There’s this little thing nagging at me, the organ concert I’ve agreed to give in October. I have no very concrete idea of what I’ll be playing, so that nagging feeling is the self preservation urge to figure that out. …

IDRS 2012 Day +1

The first full post-conference day was spent driving from Independence, Ohio to home.  Traffic was decent enough all day and there weren’t too many slowdowns for construction, so the trip (including a leisurely lunch at Ellicottville Brewing Company) took just …

IDRS 2012 Day 5, part 2

The day began with a drive back to Columbus (remember Graeter’s Ice Cream?!?) and an afternoon spent with Stephanie Stuckwisch, a violinist from Mount Holyoke College.  We had lunch, saw her horses, then drove around Columbus and got nicely lost …

IDRS 2012 Day 5, part 1

This morning, I only had time to attend one session, which was Terry Ewell’s excellent presentation of practice techniques to target endurance improvements for double-reed players.  I think I learned a lot, and I’ll know for sure after I get …

IDRS 2012 Day 4

Temps are still hitting 90, but it’s rather comfortable in the shade now that I’ve gotten used to this weather 🙂  Here are the highlights from Day 4, which on the whole felt like it was on a downhill slide …

IDRS 2012 Day 3

Hard to believe this conference is more than half over, and just when I feel like I’m really into the pace.  At least the weather was much better, with a high of just 90 and some comfortable breezes from time …

IDRS 2012 Day 2

So much music, so little time, and although the temperature only hit a high of 97 today, it was STILL HOT!  Combine that with storms all around (although there was ultimately only a sprinkling here in Oxford), and I took …