Concert, Shmonzert!
There’s this little thing nagging at me, the organ concert I’ve agreed to give in October. I have no very concrete idea of what I’ll be playing, so that nagging feeling is the self preservation urge to figure that out. …
Ramblings on Music, Life, and Other Odd Things
There’s this little thing nagging at me, the organ concert I’ve agreed to give in October. I have no very concrete idea of what I’ll be playing, so that nagging feeling is the self preservation urge to figure that out. …
I am sooooooo missing last Wednesday afternoon. Why couldn’t we do it all over again? But better this time.
Personal. Personnel. Tomato. Tomahto.
The first full post-conference day was spent driving from Independence, Ohio to home. Traffic was decent enough all day and there weren’t too many slowdowns for construction, so the trip (including a leisurely lunch at Ellicottville Brewing Company) took just …
Stephanie with one of the horses, Kaddy
The day began with a drive back to Columbus (remember Graeter’s Ice Cream?!?) and an afternoon spent with Stephanie Stuckwisch, a violinist from Mount Holyoke College. We had lunch, saw her horses, then drove around Columbus and got nicely lost …
This morning, I only had time to attend one session, which was Terry Ewell’s excellent presentation of practice techniques to target endurance improvements for double-reed players. I think I learned a lot, and I’ll know for sure after I get …
Temps are still hitting 90, but it’s rather comfortable in the shade now that I’ve gotten used to this weather Here are the highlights from Day 4, which on the whole felt like it was on a downhill slide …
Hard to believe this conference is more than half over, and just when I feel like I’m really into the pace. At least the weather was much better, with a high of just 90 and some comfortable breezes from time …
So much music, so little time, and although the temperature only hit a high of 97 today, it was STILL HOT! Combine that with storms all around (although there was ultimately only a sprinkling here in Oxford), and I took …