A pretty decent evening outside, finally
It’s been a long time since we’ve had decent weather of an evening, by which I mean that it’s not raining, not insanely hot (i.e. under 75) and not excessively humid. The humidity is still too high for my taste …
Writing? Maybe.
I read an article today about a CEO who intentionally spends a minimum of five minutes every evening journaling, writing down important things about the day’s events. This allows her to go back over these logs in the future, pulling …
Here’s an interesting one: this is my great-great grandfather, David Jenkins, a Welshman through and through. The original is a rather large charcoal drawing which was professionally photographed many, many years ago. I’ve just now digitized and colorized it.
This is a low-quality version of a photo I’ve been restoring. My dad took it sometime between 1943 and 1946 from in front of Grand Central Station in NYC, looking east down 42nd Street. The elevated structure crossing 42nd in …
Yes, the “Untitled” title is deliberate. I’m in that kind of a mood currently, sort of adrift in a sea of I-don’t-know-what. I feel like I need to get in the car and drive for a few days just to …
Really? ANOTHER Instrument?
When I was in grad school, I traded accompanying for violin lessons one year. My college organ professor had often said that I needed to learn the violin in order to experience that instrument. So I did. While it wasn’t a bad …
Planning ahead, this time!
I have another organ concert booked for September 29th and in fact have had it on the calendar for a couple of months now. It’s odd for me to be planning quite that far in advance, but there was a …
This picture was far from optimal. It’s actually a small crop out of a 12mp photo taken without flash, so I had to play with it a lot to get Stephanie out of the shadows without introducing a huge amount …
There have been many variations on colds/sinusitis/bronchitis floating around that I’ve successfully avoided, but now I’m fighting something. It started as heavy post-nasal drip with a sore throat and now has progressed, it seems, to some kind of chest involvement. …
It’s been a while
I’m not very good at this writing thing lately. Too busy with other things, not enough time for myself. There have been many, many fulfilling events in the last 6 months, but the time has flown by too quickly and …