It’s been one of those weeks
Even though it’s only Thursday, this has been a long week at work. Misunderstandings, miscommunications, and misinterpretations galore added up to a veritable swirl of confusion and upset. Things were sorted out today finally, but in a way which guarantees …
Slightly behind on my posts, eh?
OK, I know, it’s been a couple of months since I’ve done anything here. It isn’t that I’ve meant to ignore you, just that every time I think of writing something I get depressed at the thought and do something …
Of Spring, Colds, and Yard Work
Spring might have arrived in its entirety at last. It’s been poking its nose in the door of our neighborhood for a few weeks now, but I’m confident that last night’s below-freezing temperatures were the last until the end of …
The artistic life is a hard one
I hardly know where to start with this post. Music is wonderful and painful at the same time, especially when we see our children struggling to live up to what they see as their ideals. The best we can hope …
Need to figure out the whole “independently wealthy” thing …
This has been a great trip so far, and the concert on Sunday is going to be fabulous! I love this music-making stuff, and wish I could do much, much more of it. However, regular employment and a regular paycheck …
Here comes the weekend!
And even better than the weekend, it’s a three-day weekend, and even better than that, I’m on vacation for the next week! Come Tuesday morning I’ll be headed down to Virginia to rehearse for Haley’s senior voice recital next Sunday. …
We all realize that opera has grown from a personal luxury to a national necessity. Mrs. August Belmont (from the very first fundraising appeal for Metropolitan Opera on the air)
And it’s a THIRD snow day!
Finally, it’s winter for real 🙂 The schools have really been hit hard this week – holiday on Monday, snow day on Tuesday, 2-hour delay on Wednesday, and another snow day today! Today is supposed to be the end of …
Winter with a Vengeance
It’s actually nice to have some real winter weather for a change. I get a perverse pleasure out of hearing New Englanders boast about how hard winters are here and then turn around and whine when it really happens. Personally, …
It’s a poor sort of memory that only works backward. Lewis Carroll