Planning ahead, this time!

I have another organ concert booked for September 29th and in fact have had it on the calendar for a couple of months now. It’s odd for me to be planning quite that far in advance, but there was a method to my madness!

In this case, the church is right on the edge of Mount Holyoke College’s campus. It’s a small Episcopal church with a live room and a very capable 2-manual Austin organ. I’ve played there a couple of times in the past, first on an AGO Members’ Recital and most recently (2008) on a concert shared with my daughter, a soprano.

This year, my plan was to have some of the orchestra members join me, and my wish has come true! I have three trumpets (Buglers Holiday), an oboe (arrangements of one or two Bach cantata arias), a cellist (tbd) and a violin-viola-cello trio (tbd). It should be lots of fun and also should guarantee a larger audience!

Here’s a photo of the church; I’ll provide my program details later.

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