And it’s a THIRD snow day!

Finally, it’s winter for real 🙂

The schools have really been hit hard this week – holiday on Monday, snow day on Tuesday, 2-hour delay on Wednesday, and another snow day today! Today is supposed to be the end of the first semester, but mid-term exams won’t actually be starting until Monday now, so next Thursday will be the start of second semester (barring any more storms!).

I decided to drive into work today rather than work from home, and that was quite “interesting.” I’d say that about a half mile of my five-mile commute had actually been plowed or treated, and even with all-wheel drive it was not enjoyable. This snow is very dry and slick, and in many places it’s on top of an icy layer. One of the streets on my route is curvy and the curves are banked the wrong way; I was definitely sliding sideways out of my lane on the curves in spite of staying to 15 mph or less.

Fortunately, traffic was light and I was able to avoid the really slow drivers and get to work in just about double the normal time. I expect to be the only person in my area, so it will be a productive day and I’ll be able to get out of here and get home to clean up the mess in the mid afternoon.

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