And tomorrow brings

July 3rd.

Ian starts his two-week stint at iDTech Camp, and he’s attending the session at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY again this year.  That’s a bit under 2 ½ hours from our house, so we’ll leave here around 3:30 in order to get there in plenty of time for the 6-6:30pm check-in window.

I’ll start my day by playing for church (Piece d’Orgue by Johann Sebastian Bach, some light Frescobaldi during the offering, and the splendidly unique Toccata from the Plymouth Suite by Percy Whitlock to close it all off).  Once that’s done, I’m going to take care of a few errands: get a car wash, buy new wiper blades, and pick up a fruit platter for the 4th and a large pack of AA batteries (we’re almost out again).  I also need, or more accurately, want, to check the tire pressures and clean the inside of the car windows before leaving for Vassar.

Once Ian is fully checked in and moved in to his dorm room, I’m heading for dinner at the Hyde Park Brewing Company about 15 minutes north of Vassar.  I’ll try to keep that visit on the short side, because I do still have to head back home for the night!  A stone-baked pizza, maybe, or perhaps one of their wonderful club sandwiches, and of course a couple of pints of their excellent beer, and I’ll be ready to tackle the 4th.  🙂

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