Upcoming Attractions!
It’s been a while since I’ve last posted here, but I expect to start doing so again with a bit of regularity over the next weeks and months. Two big projects are coming together at the house.
The first is that I have about 1,500 lbs. of pre-finished hardwood flooring which I’ll be installing, ripping up some 30-year-old carpeting which currently flows from the dining room through the living room. I’ve never done a wood floor before, but how hard could it be, right? I’m sure there will be some good pictures coming out of this project as well as progress reports which include the “Whatever was I thinking?” type of lament.
The second is that I’m going to be installing a 4-manual and pedal Hauptwerk organ and have great plans to use it to record performances. I know it will be no problem to capture the audio, but I will also play around with adding a video track to it as well and posting these to YouTube. I’m looking forward to this as a great way to continue performing without the hassle of actually finding a church to host me 🙂
The first post on the floor should be after this coming weekend! I plan to begin the installation Saturday afternoon, but I’m not even going to guess at when I’ll be done until I get quite a ways into the project.