Finishing up the Trip
Funny how a little thing like Time gets in the way of accomplishing things. Lack of it, too much of it, it’s all a problem. In my case, failure to take the time to provide updates on a daily basis means that I don’t have any interest in taking the time to fully describe those days now that they are past.
So I’ll summarize:
- With very few exceptions, traffic was light from Scranton to Cleveland, from Cleveland to Victor, NY, and from Victor to home. No complaints there!
- Orientation at Case Western Reserve University was very well organized for both students and parents. The “Chemistry is pHun!” demonstration was particularly enjoyable, and a great way to end the first full day. (Too bad it was only for the parents!)
- I had dinner both nights I was on my own at one of the area’s Winking Lizard Taverns and thoroughly enjoyed it both times! They are known for their wings and burgers particularly but have a wide selection of foods on the menu. I tried the wings the first night and on the second night went for their pizza, which was also excellent. In the beer realm, they have a healthy selection of microbrews on draft plus a huge number of additional brews in bottles. It’s also a fun place to go, so I will certainly look forward to return trips!
- Ian found out during the academic advising session that he did get top scores on his two AP exams, Computer Science (a test he took without having taken the class) and Calculus. Woohoo!
And now we’re home. Ian is recovering from having all four wisdom teeth extracted and I’m recovering from having to go back to work.
And Time still passes faster than I would like.