It’s a quiet Sunday morning
The combination of no subbing job this morning (a rarity in the past months!) and issues with the dog during the night has made this a very quiet morning.
Our dog is 15+ years old and is, frankly, getting senile. From time to time she will pace and pant for no apparent reason, and 3:45am was one of those times. My wife was up with her for almost two hours trying to calm her down, and I naturally didn’t sleep well with lights going on and off and doors banging.
Part of the problem is that when we’re in bed and the dog gets really stressed, she comes upstairs. At her age, that’s difficult enough … but getting back down the stairs is really a losing proposition. Any attempt at that generally results in a slalom run ending in a face-plant into the wall. So, we really do have to get up and try to keep all 65 pounds of her upright and safe getting back downstairs. Not easy.
Being tired is not how I had planned to spend my day. I have work to do on the back deck, grass to mow, bassoon music to practice, reeds to work on, and cat litter to buy.
Normally, a quiet Sunday morning is a wonderful and rare event. Today it’s not such a great thing.