Pictures soon …
I think I’m about halfway complete on the flooring project (not counting the baseboards …) and will post some pictures once I’ve finished up the dining room. At that point, I’ll also be nearing halfway done with the living room as the two run together.
This has been an interesting and physically demanding project. I never knew that putting in a floor would involve so much up-and-down movement, and progress has been a little slower than I would have liked. Each day the work goes a little faster, but I’m still only doing about 20 sq. ft. an hour, give or take. Finishing up the dining room will be slow as I’m nearing a wall and won’t be able to use the pneumatic nailer; it will be back to hand nailing and countersinking for a few rows, and that takes extra time.
It will be so nice when all complete, though! And the timing couldn’t be better as it now appears that I’ll have all of the parts for the organ by two weeks from now!