Road Trip, Day 3

‘Twas a wet and stormy ride through the wilds of Michigan …

I headed more or less northwest from Ann Arbor to the shores of Lake Michigan, driving through torrential downpours most of the way. Fortunately, the worst of the rains were all while I was on interstate highways!

Sunshine broke through at lunchtime as I entered the clean little town of Spring Lake, and I spent a little time at a pleasant park on the lake after lunch. From there, I turned north (having gone about as far west as I could go in a car …) with the intention of ending the day with a visit to Sleeping Bear Dunes. Alas, it was raining steadily by the time I got that far north, so the day was cut short.

In between, I saw many interesting little towns and vacation areas with little houses crammed tightly together along the shores of picturesque lakes. It was quite the pleasant drive, but a long day, and I was actually glad to get the hotel.

Tomorrow is the trip to Mackinac Island! It will be a long day, so the next post will undoubtedly be on Thursday, probably morning, but perhaps not until evening.

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