So tempted
I’m back into the summer groove of substituting in churches, and I’ll be playing almost every Sunday between now and Labor Day. It used to be that I didn’t particularly like being tied up every week but was OK with it because the money was good.
This year, I’m really not looking forward to the grind. It’s not even that I’m playing at the same place over and over – I’m rarely going to be in any one church for more than a week or two! It’s just that the whole grind of playing at all is more than I care to deal with.
For the past few years, I’ve been threatening to hang up my organ shoes and just stop playing entirely. I haven’t done that because, deep down inside, I really do love playing. If I could have an organ in the house, though – I wouldn’t hesitate for one minute – I’d drop all subbing engagements in a heartbeat!
I need to play; I do not need to play for church.