A Week and a Day

One week from tomorrow, I’ll be on my way to Michigan! It will be Road Trip time, and I’m excited (but not as excited as I’ll be a few days from now!). I’ll be checking some brewpubs (some old, some …

So tempted

I’m back into the summer groove of substituting in churches, and I’ll be playing almost every Sunday between now and Labor Day. It used to be that I didn’t particularly like being tied up every week but was OK with …


I still am not sure exactly what my trip in July will turn out to be. Stephanie has yet to respond with anything other than a “probably won’t work” to my requests, but I’m still somewhat hopeful (not much, but …

Nothing, Nada, Nichts

I don’t often allow myself the luxury of doing Nothing for an entire day, but today was a day when I did. Of course, I couldn’t do entirely nothing all day – there was laundry to be done, some papers …

One wonders

I’m never sure whether to take emails at face value or to read between the lines, because I’m not sure what the sender is saying, really. In this case, is camp really insane right now for Stephanie, or is that just …