One of those “sickie” weeks

Ian was sick a few days ago, a very unusual occurrence indeed. He’s almost never sick, but he picked up some respiratory virus that caused him to be tired all the time and made his voice a low grumble. There was also a deep, chesty cough, but it all disappeared about a week after the first symptoms appeared (sore throat and headache).

Wouldn’t you know it, I started with the sore throat and headache just as he was starting to get better? This must be some bug that both he and I are susceptible to; MG didn’t get it (yet). Knowing what he had, I immediately started pushing fluids and have been working from home (garnering me thanks from my co-workers!) and resting as much as possible.

As a result, I’m not as sick as he was, but I still sound horrible and feel like it’s bedtime all day long.

And the strangest thing of all? Neither of us has really felt “sick” during this. It’s an odd one, it is.

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