3H Weather
It’s Hazy, Hot, and Humid here and that’s the kind of weather I distinctly do not like. I don’t like my summers to go above the low 70s, and I particularly dislike the humidity to be above 40% or so.
One problem with this kind of weather is that summer storms are prevalent. Don’t get me wrong – I rather like storms, but they do put a serious crimp in the electrical generation from the rooftop solar photovoltaic panels!
There seems to be another storm on the way in, and I don’t look forward to grilling our steaks for dinner during the downpour that will probably result. Perhaps it will clear out of here before I head outdoors in 30 minutes or so? No, the radar seems to indicate that the worst of the rain will arrive just about the time I’m firing up the grill!
4:30pm and I’m turning on the living room lights. Sigh.