IDRS 2012 Day 4
Temps are still hitting 90, but it’s rather comfortable in the shade now that I’ve gotten used to this weather 🙂 Here are the highlights from Day 4, which on the whole felt like it was on a downhill slide from Day 3.
- Return of User-Friendly Bassoon Tunes, a talk and demo by Daryl Durran. Daryl passed out a long list of bassoon music (with both the bassoon and piano difficulties graded, which was a very nice touch) and played excerpts from 28 of listings. I now have some great ideas for music to buy 🙂
- A program entitled “Virtuosity” featuring Christoph Hartmann, oboe, and Martin Kuuskmann, bassoon. They had a near-capacity crowd in the largest of the daytime venues, and it was a wonderful program and performance even though Martin appeared to be having reed troubles. Highlights of the show were Souvenir de Berlin opus 19 for Oboe and Piano by Théophile Lalliet, the Fantasiestücke opus 73 for Bassoon and Piano by Robert Schumann, Simpatici ricordi della Traviata for Oboe and Piano by Antonio Pasculli, and the Trio for Oboe, Bassoon, and Piano by Francis Poulenc. I should also note that Jed Moss was on piano, and he put in his usual phenomenal performance!
- The Sundance Trio (Geralyn Giovannetti, oboe; Christian Smith, bassoon; Jed Moss, piano) played two fabulous pieces – Suite of Six French Songs of the 15th Century by Willard Elliot (I particularly enjoyed Reveillez vous Piccars and Ma seille dame sur ma foy) and the Trio in D Minor by Alexander Brent-Smith.
- An interesting piece, P.S. It’s a Silverstein Trio (2012) by Adam Sovkoplas, based on four Shel Silverstein poems which were read before each movement: Upstairs, Rain, Enter This Deserted House, The Flying Festoon. The performance wasn’t so great, though, so I won’t bother to list the musicians here. (Hint: violists need to learn to play in tune …)
- The Large (sp?) from the Suite by Henri Challan, played by Ryan Romine, bassoon. I list this only because I may purchase this piece from TrevCo Publishing – this slow, second movement was particularly lovely and certainly within my ability.
And now, on to the final day 🙁