Back to the weight loss regimen
I’m good at eating and I’m good at drinking. I’m not so good at exercising or dieting. Add to these facts that I don’t by any stretch of the imagination even vaguely like the weight I’m at, and even the most uninterested onlooker can spot trouble.
But I think I’ve finally reached the mental place where I can firmly focus on getting back to the weight I was at in the summer of 2004. Truth be told, I’m actually OK with being five pounds heavier than that, but if my goal isn’t lower than I intend to eventually end up, I’ll never get anywhere.
I’ve changed my eating habits for the better, and am eating much healthier foods (and smaller portions than ever, although I’ve never been a big eater) than before. And I’m pushing the exercise again, although for me that’s really just 3+ mile walks. My pace is currently around 14:30 for a mile over a 3.6 mile course, so I can’t complain about that. Of course, back when I was MUCH younger, I could walk the one mile from my apartment to my grad school campus in exactly 11 minutes, day in and day out, but we won’t even think about how long ago that was or what fraction of my current weight I was then!!
I’m about 3 pounds down so far with an initial goal of 10 pounds off by the fourth of July.
Here’s hoping (very sincerely) that I will stick with the program this time. I need to feel better about myself when I look at a photo.