Yes, IDRS 2012 is a go!
I have my conference registration and I have most of my hotel nights booked – the only exception is the night I’m en route home, and that’s only waiting because I’m not entirely positive what my schedule is that day.
I have a friend in the Mount Holyoke College Symphony Orchestra who is from Columbus, OH, and she works for Graeter’s Ice Cream when she’s home. She swears by their product, and has many times suggested that I really have to visit that part of Ohio some time to try it out. This trip is it, as I have to pass through Columbus both directions!
When I stop there on my trip to IDRS is pretty much set in stone, as it will be in the late afternoon of a long day of driving. Coming back, though, is a different story as it depends heavily on when I actually leave the conference.
I won’t be staying for the full final day and evening concert. That’s partly because I need to get back home after the absence, partly because there’s not really anything I’m interested in that afternoon anyway, and partly because I screwed up reading the schedule in the first place and missed the fact that there’s still a concert that night 🙂 At this point, I think I may leave after the 9-10am session, and that would put me into the Columbus area for lunch.
It would be great if Stephanie were available for lunch, and then I’d probably be on my way again around 2. On the other hand, she’s probably going to be working, so I’ll just grab a quick lunch somewhere and then stop in for ice cream. Assuming that’s the case, I may hang out at IDRS until lunchtime and then leave, or I may get out of Columbus by 1, which would mean I could travel further that afternoon.
So there’s my problem, and it probably won’t be resolved until I know what I’m doing for lunch that day.
Meanwhile, I’m excited to once again get to IDRS after a six year hiatus 🙂