Once more into the Hudson Valley
Tomorrow afternoon is the weekly Parents’ Showcase at Ian’s computer camp, so I’ll be heading west to Poughkeepsie and Vassar College to marvel at his accomplishments. It’s a very low-key kind of thing – check out the project, look around, yawn a bit, then gather for the official “end of the week” progress reports from the class instructor.
Once that’s all done, I leave Ian there for the “Extreme Gaming Weekend” and next week’s class and head off for an early dinner. It used to be that the Cambridge House still had a branch open in Torrington, Connecticut, and that was a decent stopping point on the trip home should the GPS be set to route via Torrington. That place has, sadly, closed though, so there’s not much option but to return to the Hyde Park (NY) Brewing Company where we ate last Sunday evening.
My plan is to sit at the bar in order to avoid the notoriously slow and inattentive table service. We’ll see how that pans out.
Saturday brings more adventures, but I’ll save that for another day!