It’s been one of those weeks
Even though it’s only Thursday, this has been a long week at work. Misunderstandings, miscommunications, and misinterpretations galore added up to a veritable swirl of confusion and upset. Things were sorted out today finally, but in a way which guarantees a lot of work over the next few weeks. Yikes!
Tomorrow (Friday) will be an easier day, but I do have some performance evaluations to complete. Mine in particular is due by end of day, and I have to provide input to a couple of others. This is never my favorite type of activity, but I’ll do my best and hope that the promise of the three-day weekend will be sufficient to keeping me focused and on task until these are all complete.
Perhaps, just perhaps, I’ll even say hello to my old friend the bassoon once I’m done. After all, I really should see if I can remember any fingerings 😉