Use the talents you possess – for the woods would be a very silent place if no birds sang except the best. Henry van Dyke, American author, poet, and playwright
RIP Pete Postlethwaite
Pete was one of those great character actors whose face would pop up almost anywhere. You’d see him, and think, “I know I’ve seen him in something else … what was it?” My first (and still favorite) exposure to him …
New Year’s Resolutions
1. Get serious again about exercising and losing weight. 2. Make a to-do list for things around the house and do at least one of the items each week. 3. Procrastinate less! (See #2) 4. Make time to practice organ, …
Procrastination isn’t the problem, it’s the solution. So procrastinate now, don’t put it off. Ellen DeGeneres
My heritage countries, only one of which (Germany) I’ve been to so far. The three countries are Germany, Norway, and Wales, and I’d like to throw in the rest of the British Isles just for fun (and for the love …
March, 2011 Concert
Mark your calendar for Friday evening, March 11th, 2011! My daughter, Haley, will be giving an encore performance of her Senior Voice Recital from the University of Virginia, and we (I’m the accompanist) will be performing it at St. Paul’s …
New Blog! (Again!)
Once again, my previous blog host went belly up. The last time this happened, I had some warning and was able to retrieve an archive of all of my past posts. This time, no such luck — I’ve lost everything …