We all realize that opera has grown from a personal luxury to a national necessity. Mrs. August Belmont (from the very first fundraising appeal for Metropolitan Opera on the air)

Winter with a Vengeance

It’s actually nice to have some real winter weather for a change.  I get a perverse pleasure out of hearing New Englanders boast about how hard winters are here and then turn around and whine when it really happens.  Personally, …

Seeing a murder on television can help work off one’s antagonisms. And if you haven’t any antagonisms, the commercials will give you some. Alfred Hitchcock

Water Woes

Ever since we moved into our house twelve years ago, we’ve had an occasional problem with a tiny water spot on the kitchen ceiling.  It’s not a big deal, it just means that the tub spigot in the bathroom above …

Here’s the crazy piled up snow on the grill, and the 4-foot high backyard fence which has just about 2 feet showing!  The snow has almost stopped now, and I think we’re going to be very close to 20" from …

Looks like a foot or so overnight, and it’s still snowing and windy here!  It seems as though the forecast was accurate, and we’ll end up with 16" or so by the time this is done.  The dog is NOT …